3DADEPT Media – RAPID+TCT 2024: Hollywood meets Additive Manufacturing

RAPID+TCT 2024: Hollywood meets Additive Manufacturing RAPID+TCT 2024: Hollywood meets Additive Manufacturing With over 400+ exhibitors, 200+ conference speakers including 125 educational hours of industry-leading presenters, and 100,000+ attendees, this year’s RAPID + TCT show was a highly anticipated event. With California as a whole being the largest manufacturing producer in the United States, there were a multitude of […]

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3DADEPT Media: Thermwood @ RAPID+TCT 2024: Broadening the scope of possibility for Large-Scale Additive (and Subtractive) Manufacturing

Thermwood @ RAPID+TCT 2024: Broadening the scope of possibility for Large-Scale Additive (and Subtractive) Manufacturing Thermwood @ RAPID+TCT 2024: Broadening the scope of possibility for Large-Scale Additive (and Subtractive) Manufacturing Starting from roots of thermal coatings & woodworking, morphing into an industry-leading CNC machine tool OEM, and a few years ago bridging into the Additive […]

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CASTOR: Challenges & Opportunities of 3D Printing for the Oil and Gas Industry

Along with the demand for this Energy as a commodity that is never seeming to dip, innovative companies, both large and small, are looking at 3D Printing in the energy, oil, and gas industry as the next big manufacturing innovation to drive the industry into the future.

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CASTOR: Additive Manufacturing Applications in the Defense Industry

With the demand for modern technologies to reduce production costs, and open innovative design and engineering options, Additive Manufacturing has the potential to revolutionize the Defense and Military industries.

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CASTOR: Can Additive Manufacturing Improve Sustainability?

https://www.3dcastor.com/post/can-additive-manufacturing-improve-sustainability According to the EPA, Carbon Emissions have increased upwards of 90% since the 1970’s. Following the 2016 Paris Climate Agreement, companies of all sizes look to reduce their carbon footprint consistently over time, to combat the ever-growing issue of global warming. With Industrial companies accounting for nearly 54% of the world’s energy consumption, it’s […]

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6 Key Themes & Take-Away’s from IMTS 2022 (Chicago, IL USA)

After 4 long, isolating and truly strange years, IMTS was back and in full swing after being absent in 2020 for COVID-related reasons. I was fortunate enough to have an entire day to explore the 1300+ exhibitors in the over 1.3 Million square feet of space at the McCormick Center in Chicago, Illinois. With so many exhibitors and conferences packed into IMTS, I planned by day and set out to Chicago. Here are among just some of the trends and major themes I saw during my time in the Windy City!

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Baker Industries and Lincoln Electric Additive Solutions Establish Strategic Relationship with GA-ASI on Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Feasibility Study

MACOMB, MI – Baker Industries, a Lincoln Electric Company, and Lincoln Electric Additive Solutions (LEAS) today announced a new strategic relationship with General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Inc. (GA-ASI) on a research and development project exploring the feasibility of wire-arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) for producing steel layup tooling used in the manufacturing of composite lamination for GA-ASI’s […]

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Wilson Sporting Goods Reimagines Product Development Workflows with Nexa3D x Addifab

The long-term play is to continue to utilize this Nexa3D x Addifab platform to continue to churn out new innovations and improvements to existing product lines.

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ISO 9001:2015 First published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1987, ISO 9001:2015 is a universal standard specifying the requirements for a quality management system (QMS). It is part of the ISO 9000 family, the best-known quality management standard in the world. With over one million companies and organizations possessing a certification from the ISO 9000 family, […]

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MaxResolution3D Relies on Nexa3D to Build its Manufacturing-as-a-Service Business

The NXE 400 platform proved to be the system of choice for establishing scalable services at MaxResolution3D with help from the team at ProductionToGo.

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First issued in 1911, the Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code is a set of universally-recognized safety standards developed by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers that regulate the design, manufacture, installation, inspection, and care of boilers,

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How CNC Machining Has Transformed Automation in the Plasma Cutting Industry

Plasma cutting is an evolving industrial technology that’s become a staple workhorse of proven R&D and prototyping capital equipment

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How CNC Machining Has Transformed Automation In The Manufacturing Industry

CNC machining has made revolutionary strides over the past few decades. What started as manual machining during the Industrial Revolution

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Baker Industries: Invests in Giddings & Lewis CMM and PolyWorks Software

Winner of Modern Machine Shop’s Top Shop Award and aerospace/automotive manufacturer Baker Industries, a Lincoln Electric Company,

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RP America: 5 Signs a Stereolithography 3D Printer Needs Service

As the original method of additive manufacturing, stereolithography (SLA) is a widely adopted form of 3D printing. This resin-based printing process has experienced more than three decades of technological innovations and advancements.

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A/E/C manufacturer Baker Industries, a Lincoln Electric company, purchases a Garmat® USA spray booth to accompany its CNC machining, fabrication, and additive manufacturing capabilities.

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In previous blogs, we’ve mentioned additive manufacturing within our portfolio of manufacturing capabilities here at Baker Industries. Although we have a series of smaller polymer FDM printers, a large portion of our work in

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Baker Industries: WHAT IS CNC MACHINING?

Virtually everything we use and consume every day has undergone CNC machining in some form or another. The cars we drive, the cell phones we use, changing things quite drastically. There was no longer a need for hard copy paper running into a machine.

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When we talk about precision machining, many different industries come to mind, such as aerospace, automotive, industrial manufacturing, and others. Aerospace and aviation in particular are some of the more stringent industries in terms

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Fiberglass was first used in the 1930s as a material for insulating both commercial and residential buildings. It was discovered that fiberglass offered high tensile strengths, performed well at higher operating temperatures, and helped to drastically increase the efficiency

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Throughout the years, machining has grown immensely and has become a standardized means of production for virtually every industry imaginable. What started as a labor-intensive process has transformed into a highly automated, sophisticated manufacturing process that can be run almost entirely without any human intervention, aside from the initial programming and setup.   TRAK Machine […]

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SainSmart Genmitsu 3018-MX3: Review the Specs

Once an industrial technology that was only used by machine and fabrication shops, manufacturing houses, and similar industrial settings, CNC machinery has matured over the years, allowing for mass adoption at the garage level.

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Maslow CNC Router Kit: Review the Specs

The Maslow CNC got its break on Kickstarter back in 2016, and can now be found milling and routing its way across large sheets of wood in garages, woodshops, and makerspaces the world over.

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Getting Creative During COVID: 7 Ideas for Digital Communication

As we cross the 1 year anniversary for COVID-19 Lockdown, I thought the timing was right to talk about how business communication has shifted dramatically in the last year. Like many, I’ve been in a massive transformative period with my work life, and find myself having to continuously react to the ongoing pandemic. Fortunately, we’ve […]

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Part 2: The “Alternative Route”

As a high school senior, I can vividly recall a huge influx of direct-mail flyers, emails, TV/social media ads, and other various outlets bombarding me with content for the “coolest” colleges in my area.

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Women in Welding – Paige’s Story (Part 1)

Often times one of the most difficult decisions for a high school student is when they are faced with choosing a path after finishing school. At this age, you are just starting to get a feel for what you like, and are typically just beginning to peek into what tangible skill sets you possess.

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Bridging the Skills Gap @ Long Beach City College

One topic I’ve briefly touched on in the past is the “skills gap” that exists within the manufacturing sector of the American workforce. Essentially, this gap is a shortage of industrial-trained workers between baby boomers and the younger, millennial/Gen Z generation.

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My First 3D Printing Project

Prior to any great product or invention, there is typically a prototyping/R&D stage that occurs before any final/end-use product is produced. It often starts with rough pad & pencil sketches of how this item will look, what colors it will have, the outline of its features, and so on.

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Returning Where It All Started: Martin Manufacturing (Trunnion Table)

It wasn’t until my junior year of undergrad that I first learned about the fascinating world of industrial manufacturing at an internship with Martin Manufacturing in Elsmere, Kentucky. What once started out as a pain point for Stan’s machine shop, slowly became a technology

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Why “Making Made Simple?”

Making, #machining, #fabricating, #printing, #forging, #casting, #forming, #cutting, #plating…   The way we make things is rapidly evolving before our eyes. The speed of modern technological improvements is the main driving force behind the future of creating things. Between your neighbor’s garage project to a fully automated factory floor…making parts will constantly adapt to more […]

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